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风湿病学 & 关节炎

方向-风湿病学独木舟- 960 x480

风湿病学 Clinic providers have additional training 和 experience in the diagnosis 和 treatment of arthritis 和 other diseases of the joints, 肌肉和骨骼. Valley’s rheumatology providers offer advanced medical treatments including injections with 和 without guided ultrasound, 口服药物, 还有输液服务.

What inflammatory conditions do Valley’s 风湿病学 clinic providers diagnose, 治疗和帮助管理?

Valley’s 风湿病学 Clinic providers specialize in inflammatory arthritis 和 other autoimmune disorders including: rheumatoid arthritis, 银屑病关节炎, 强直性脊柱炎, 红斑狼疮, 硬皮病、肌炎、 干燥综合征, 风湿性多肌痛, 血管炎, 骨质疏松症, 肌腱炎, 滑囊炎痛风.

关节炎 is a general term for conditions that affect the joints 和 surrounding tissues. 联合s are places in the body w在这里 bones come together, 比如膝盖, 手腕, 手指, 脚趾和臀部.The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis 和 rheumatoid arthritis.

骨关节炎 (OA)是一种痛苦, degenerative joint disease that often involves the hips, 膝盖, 脖子, lower back or small joints of the h和s. OA usually develops in joints that are injured by repeated overuse from performing a particular task or playing a favorite sport or from carrying around excess body weight. Eventually this injury or repeated impact thins or wears away the cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones in the joint. As a result, the bones rub together, causing a grating sensation. 联合 flexibility is reduced, bony spurs develop 和 the joint swells. Usually, the first symptom of OA is pain that worsens following exercise or immobility. 治疗通常包括止痛剂, topical creams or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (known as NSAIDs); appropriate exercises or physical therapy; joint splinting; or joint replacement surgery for seriously damaged larger joints, 比如膝盖或臀部.


类风湿性关节炎 (RA) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that usually involves various joints in the 手指, 拇指, 手腕, 肘部, 肩膀, 膝盖, 脚和脚踝. An autoimmune disease is one in which the body releases enzymes that attack its own healthy tissues. In RA, these enzymes destroy the linings of joints. This causes pain, swelling, stiffness, malformation 和 reduced movement 和 function. People with RA also may have systemic symptoms, 比如疲劳, 发热, 减肥, 眼睛发炎, 贫血, subcutaneous nodules (bumps under the skin) or pleurisy (a lung inflammation). 

Although 骨质疏松症 和 osteoarthritis are two very different medical conditions with little in common, the similarity of their names causes great confusion. 这些情况的发展不同, 有不同的症状, are diagnosed differently 和 are treated differently.

骨质疏松症 is a condition in which the bones become less dense 和 更有可能 to fracture. It can result in a loss of height, severe back pain 和 change in one’s posture. 骨质疏松症 can impair a person’s ability to walk 和 can cause prolonged or permanent disability.

研究表明OA患者 低于平均水平 患上骨质疏松症. On the other h和, people with RA may be 更有可能 患上骨质疏松症. This is especially true because some medications used to treat RA can contribute to 骨质疏松症. 了解更多骨质疏松症.   

骨质疏松症 和 arthritis do share many coping strategies. With either or both of these conditions, many people benefit from exercise programs that may include physical therapy 和 rehabilitation. 在一般情况下, 强调伸展的运动, 加强, posture 和 range of motion are appropriate. Examples include low-impact aerobics, swimming, tai chi 和 low-stress yoga. 然而, people with 骨质疏松症 must take care to avoid activities that include bending forward from the waist, twisting the spine or lifting heavy weights. People with arthritis must compensate for limited movement in affected joints. Always check with your doctor to determine whether a certain exercise or exercise program is safe for your specific medical situation.

Most people with arthritis will use pain management strategies at some time. This is not always true for people with 骨质疏松症. Usually, people with 骨质疏松症 need pain relief when they are recovering from a fracture. In cases of severe 骨质疏松症 with multiple spine fractures, pain control also may become part of daily life. 不管原因是什么, pain management strategies are similar for people with 骨质疏松症, OA, 和类风湿性关节炎.



  • Swelling in a joint lasting two weeks or longer or new onset of swelling in multiple joints, 没有发烧或感染迹象
  • Back pain for longer than one – two months, if you are under age 40 和 it’s not related to injury
  • Evaluation of 骨质疏松症 or Raynaud’s
  • Repeated episodes of uveitis or plantar fasciitis
  • Previous diagnosis of rheumatic diseases 和 transferring care from another rheumatologist
  • 痛风

*Please consult your primary care provider if you are unsure about your condition 和 symptoms, or if your insurance requires a referral for specialty care.



Covington Clinic North | VMC 专业护理

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16850 SE 272 St St 100
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