需要看医生,但找不到时间? Many primary care, urgent care, and specialty care visits may be eligible for telehealth! 了解更多关于远程医疗的选择 here. 


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Humble Beginnings

在东南金县早期,医疗保健是一种奢侈. A handful of doctors crossed rivers and mountains—usually on horseback—to reach their far-flung patients. 设备稀少,而且极其有限. But courage and ingenuity often prevailed in the hands of pioneer physicians, just as they do today. In the late 1800s, most of the medical care in Kent and Renton consisted of emergency services in the coal mines and logging camps.

By 1911, Dr. 阿道夫·布朗森将为像家人一样关心社区奠定基础. 出生在挪威,在加州接受教育. Bronson initially cared for neighbors and residents at his home on Main Street in Renton. In 1911 he constructed the area’s first hospital, Bronson Hospital, across the street from his house. 几十年来,这座不起眼的两层建筑为所有人服务.

护士的到来是当时医学的一个伟大里程碑. 住在布朗森医院的二楼, these skilled professionals saw a steady stream of accident victims from the logging camps and coal mines. 除了事故, 1911年至1938年的入院记录显示有流感, 肺炎和分娩是常见的疾病和死亡原因.

在接下来的几十年里, it would take more than exceptional clinical skills to maintain the high-caliber medical care in the region. 一个医生和五个护士已经不能满足日益增长的护理需求了.

Hub City

在20世纪40年代,伦顿的人口几乎翻了两番, 主要是由于军事行动的加强. Civic leaders, 包括伦顿商会的成员, 利用战时的努力建造了一所更现代化的医院.

1945年在雷尼尔大道开业,位于麦克伦登五金公司的现址, also formerly Kmart, the brand new Renton Hospital was designed in a unique hub and spoke fashion fondly referred to as the “wagon wheel.” 

This new, 最先进的设备花费600美元,最初的计划是作为战争期间的短期解决方案.

At the time it was believed the dispersed wagon wheel design may act as a deterrent to potential bombing, however, 事实证明,这是一个非常具有挑战性的设计,以有效地照顾病人. The first patient at Renton Hospital was a Boeing worker who suffered a foot injury and the first baby born was the son of a Boeing engineer. 

While federal funds paid for the new hospital, the federal government declined to operate it. 害怕看到它靠近或落入外人之手, 当地领导再次挺身而出, 这次是创建十大正规网赌软件医院基金会. 经过特别选举,公立医院区第. 1 .正式成立.

选民们批准了一项债券发行,以彻底收购伦顿医院确保社区最终能够控制自己的医疗服务. 今天在华盛顿州和华盛顿州有56个公立医院区, 第一个也是最大的, 是后来者的榜样吗. In the 1950s and 1960s it became apparent that the wagon wheel hospital built as a temporary solution during WWII was deteriorating quickly and needed a new home. Renton leaders joined with Kent and hatched plans for a new facility in a new location that could stand the test of time.

Healing Vision

In 1965, the hospital’s name was changed to Valley General Hospital and its Board commissioned the design of a striking new campus by world-renowned architect, Edward Durrell Stone, 以他在肯尼迪中心的工作而闻名, 大都会艺术博物馆和美国驻新德里大使馆. 甚至在它治疗第一个病人之前, the Board passed core philosophies that are still reflected in our Caregiver Commitment today fostering prevention, education, 公平护理和合作.

The staff and community had a chance to see a model of the new hospital before passing a $7M bond issue in 1967 and feedback was overwhelmingly enthusiastic. Single rooms, 80 skylights, numerous water features and tranquil outlooks over landscaped gardens were key features of this beautiful, healing space.

The debut of the new Valley General Hospital on 180th Street in November 1969 prompted congratulatory messages from around the nation. Long-time supporter, Senator Warren Magnuson wrote: “No area is more deserving of the newest techniques in medicine and hospital care than your area, 它为美国提供了如此多的新航空航天技术.”

参议员并没有夸大其词. Boeing boomed into the jet and space age with commanding roles in NASA’s Apollo space program, lunar rovers, 超音速传输(SST), 水翼船和许多其他发明. 其结果是大量工作、人口和住房涌入. Another Renton company was responsible for one of the icons of the age, the Space Needle. 作为1962年世界博览会的亮点而建, 该结构由太平洋护理公司制造的钢材支撑 & Foundry, later renamed PACCAR, which also supplied the steel for the World Trade Center.

十大正规网赌软件综合医院提供最新的技术和设备. 气体和氧气通过管道输送进来. 医生携带便携式收音机,以消除嘈杂和分散注意力的扬声器. 增加了精密的监控系统、闭路电视和安全系统. The building was air conditioned and fireproofed and featured efficient heating and pneumatic waste disposal systems. Within a year of opening, Valley’s medical staff more than quadrupled, from 43 to 184.

Emergency Care Debuts

从十大正规网赌软件医院成立之初就提供急救服务, 但直到1969年才提供全天候服务. At that same time, prehospital care and emergency response took a giant leap forward with the introduction of paramedics and Medic One. 1970年在Harborview培训的第一个班级大大提高了存活率, 给救命护理这个术语带来了新的生命.

The advances of prehospital care were further magnified by a key Puget Sound area invention, 便携式除颤器. Intubation to provide an airway and defibrillation to restart the heart were valuable tools not previously available out in the field, 显著改善急诊护理和结果. 随着我们社区的扩大, 硅谷在提供关键资源方面的责任和专长也是如此, equipment, 培训和员工以满足不断增长的需求.

Unfortunately, by 1972 a national economic downturn plunged the Puget Sound region into a deep recession 这种情况持续了那个十年的大部分时间. Valley weathered the fluctuating economic conditions as it always had with other challenges. 幸运的是,硅谷的领导层仍然非常稳定. 

事实上,自1947年以来,只有四位行政长官:J.C. Lund, William Murray, Rich Roodman and Valley’s first female CEO, Jeannine Erickson Grinnell. 1984年,十大正规网赌软件综合医院更名为十大正规网赌软件 and by 1986, 十大正规网赌软件家庭医学实习开始了, a community-based graduate medical education program dedicated to training highly qualified family physicians.


到世纪之交,南金县的人口急剧增加. 以满足日益增长的医疗服务需求, 十大正规网赌软件的规模几乎翻了一番,然后一直在增长.




Care for Today & Beyond

The 十大正规网赌软件 Clinic Network is comprised of primary care clinics serving as a medical home for care management, urgent care clinics providing a safety net of after-hours care and walk-in consult and treatment, and more than 50 specialty clinics providing convenient access throughout the district.

Primary Care: Partners for Health & Wellness
十大正规网赌软件’s primary care providers serve as personal health advocates for our patients. Primary providers work with patients to monitor and improve health through all of life’s stages, 并根据需要与专业医生协调护理.

Learn more here.


Urgent Care:免预约医疗服务
VMC’s Urgent Care eliminates the wait and expense of the ER for ailments that aren’t life-threatening. For sudden illness, minor injuries, and other services, patients can choose walk-in and after-hours care with no appointment or get in line online to skip the wait. 远程医疗预约.

Learn more here.


Specialty Care:广泛的专家网络
VMC offers a comprehensive network of board-certified specialists to meet the healthcare needs of your entire family. From digital mammograms to dermatology, and oncology to neurology, we’ve got you covered.

Learn more here.


Virtual Care
十大正规网赌软件的MyChart病人门户网站到初级远程医疗访问, 紧急和专科护理, 病人可以和他们的医生交流, 制定和管理约会, 从舒适的家中获得远程护理, access test results, 请求处方补充和更多.

Learn more here.


Award-Winning Care
从良好的工作环境到卓越的病人护理, 我们很高兴地说十大正规网赌软件在各方面都获得了高分.

Learn more here.
